September 16, 2008

NEWS: Where is this country going?


I love it when the media does its job correctly. I've already spoken of the house with smoke and mirrors that is Washington, but some great journalists help people find the answers they need.  

You don't need to be an economic genius to recognize this is not a great time for our country. Driving past a gas station, checking your account balance everyday to see how close to red figures you are or even reading a newspaper will tell the story. 

Matt Lauer, Ohio University alumnus helped me find the answers in his most recent interview.

John McCain has gone back and forth on the economy, saying we are in crisis but the fundamentals are strong. McCain believes the fundamentals are the American workers, and that they are holding strong.

Obviously American workers are the base of the economy. Without us nothing is made or bought. However, McCain seems to be failing to notice the cracking foundation. The American worker is beginning to scrap for money. They can't afford the gas. They can't afford the new car. They can't afford the new house. They can't afford college. 

I don't want to seem bias, I'll admit I am more liberal in my views. However, McCain can only point to 9/11 as the problem and seeks to only make a commission to study 9/11 and report their findings from its effects.

"We are in total crisis," said McCain. "We need a 9/11 commission, and we need a commission to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it."

I cannot believe in a solution to 2008's problems by looking back to 2001, the tragedy it held and find a solution in it. A commission will not only be costly, ineffective but will also take too long. McCain admits, "America is in crisis today." Today needs to be studied, not September 11, 2001. 

I can't help but agree with Obama's response. "Senator McCain offered up the oldest Washington stunt in the book - you pass the buck to a commission to study the problem. But here's the thing - this isn't 9/11. We know how we got into this mess. What we need now is leadership that gets us out." 

The 9/11 commission proposal will only find how we got into this crisis. It will not get us out. By the time anything will done, the future american worker will be out of the job, out of cash, out of college and America will be out of luck.


Anonymous said...

obama 08!

vote for change!

e-wiets08 said...

I agree... it is time for a change in washington. its time to put the needs of our country first. we cannot expect to be able to help developing nations when our own developed nation is falling apart.

jim said...

There are many problems with the economy. The failed idea of easy credit. Continued reliance on oil is our own fault. Gas was cheap for a very long time. Our urban sprawl is based on cheap fuel. Fuel that we either do not have or do not want to sacrafice and get. Finally big business profits and high costs of labor have moved manufacturing jobs out of this country. Less than 10 percent of all jobs are in manufacturing. I loathe the counterpunch from a politician without offering up a solution of his own. I will vote for a change when I actually hear what that change may be.

mom's bro said...

It's okay to be liberal, and vote for Obama. But, there needs to be substance in his campaign. All he talks about is "change". Not quite sure what that is. Do you really think he can make any difference?