September 12, 2008

POLITICS: Sarah Palin Interview With Charles Gibson


Journalism veteran Charles Gibson sat down with VP candidate Sarah Palin for a interview that merely only showed her ignorance and inexperience. When asked about the Bush Doctrine*, Palin admitted she hadn't heard about it until yesterday and danced around questions.

Veteran Gibson stuck her in a corner on the doctrine, asked about the Middle East and her comments of the U.S. fulfilling God's will in the Middle East. Of course not recalling her exact quote (as seen below in video), rookie Palin fumbled her answer.

Why the GOP selected a VP candidate that has only been to Mexico and Canada, I will never know. All I know is I can see the 'deer in the headlights' expression on her face, notice her lack of confidence and assume she is not ready to lead this country. 

Final score:

Rookie Palin: 0

Veteran Gibson: 1

*Bush Doctrine: Bush's foreign policy post-9/11 attacks. It originally gave the US the right to invade Afghanistan, and allowed for punishment against countries that harbor terrorist or aid terrorists. 

1 comment:

jim said...

I bet 90% of congress and 95% of journalist do not know the doctrine. I have seen this rant several times on Palin and until now now one has stated what the doctrine was. I have to admit I did not know either. How about my party playing the victim card about the pig and lipstick comment. Makes me want to puke.