October 7, 2008

POLITICS: Tina Fey making sense of Palin

I didn't originally want to post SNL clips of Sarah Palin, mainly because I was scared of the truth coming out of Sar...I mean Tina Fey's mouth. After the debate, not one media outlet outright criticized her performance. It was easier to find media outlets praising her "surprisingly good" performance than criticism.

As I watched the debate I noticed the constant "maverick" and the awkward blink to America. Yet when I went to read the papers, no one even made note of it. I guarantee you if Obama or McCain attempted multiple sexy winks to America, they would be eaten alive (or called a pedophile).

Anyway to the SNL part... SNL has been about the only place that has pointed out any of this. So far, SNL has done such a good job pointing out her flaws and shaky policy discussion, that I tend to agree with them more than CNN. 

So I leave you with how I saw the VP debate see video above (Note: They do a great job of Biden's, "I heart McCain"), and with this thought: Only vote McCain-Palin in if you want SNL to be funny again, or you want Tina Fey to be the largest celebrity in America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"and for all those joe six packs out there...maverick ;-)"
